Steffen Schmidt, Patentanwalt bei BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT

Dr. Steffen Schmidt

German Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Trade Mark and Design Attorney
Representative before the UPC


Pettenkoferstraße 22
80336 Munich

T +49 (89) 55 96 80
F +49 (89) 55 96 85 090

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    Steffen Schmidt works in various fields of physics. In addition to drafting and prosecuting patent applications, he particularly focuses on opposition proceedings before the German Patent and Trade Mark Office and the European Patent Office.

    Steffen Schmidt studied physics at the University of Frankfurt focusing on solid-state physics. After completing his thesis at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, he worked as a research assistant at the Physikalische Institut of the University of Frankfurt on issues relating to magnetic resonances, cryogenics, and ultrasound in low-dimensional spin systems. He received a PhD in these fields.In his work as patent attorney he specializes in the area of computer-related inventions in addition to the classic areas of physics. Moreover, he does volunteer work for the German Chamber of Patent Attorneys as a tutor for patent attorney candidates.

    Further information about
    Dr. Steffen Schmidt