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According to a study by the auditing firm Ernst & Young, every 4th German uses cheap imitations, at least occasionally. The United Nations estimates that sales generated by counterfeit goods amount to over EUR 200 billion annually. These figures alone illustrate the scope of product piracy and the problems this causes for the affected companies, in almost all industries, not only manufacturers of luxury goods.
For many years now, we have been assisting clients in their fight against product piracy. We were one of the first law firms to file border seizure applications and to work closely with customs and law enforcement authorities.
There are no simple fixes in the fight against product piracy. This is why, when assisting our clients, after an in-depth analysis of the situation, we use the entire arsenal of measures provided by civil, administrative, and criminal law to develop a comprehensive strategy to contain the problem. Our priority is always to keep the costs to our client as low as possible. To do so, we try to recover the costs from the originator, i.e. the product pirates and their customers.
Due to our many years of practical experience, we have a close network of international correspondent attorneys and direct relationships with customs and law enforcement agencies. We have a great deal of experience, which allows us to successfully proceed against product pirates in the respective countries of origin as well.