Legal Areas
© Copyright 2025– BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT
Nowadays, almost 80 per cent of the German population use the internet. Companies using and applying this relatively young mass media are in acute need of legal advice. The internet is not covered by its own field of law, but instead is an interface of various fields of law. Problems arise especially in connection with the use of intellectual property, for example IT procedures incorporated into a patent, or when prosecuting the distribution of illegal content over international networks.
Since the early 90s, our attorneys have been dealing intensively with the technologies and developments on which the internet is based; they are familiar with all the opportunities and risks connected with it. We analyse business areas, industries, as well as existing or planned products and clarify whether protection for a patent or brand is useful or necessary. This is especially relevant for start-ups, whose investors particularly set store by having the protection of the assets of the company they invest in secured. We lend a helping hand in any due diligence processes and do everything we can to keep the effort and expenses as low as possible. Furthermore, we prepare fledgling companies for such processes early on, so that they can be easily managed in their further development. Finally, we also draft exit agreements and processes for our clients and support or carry out negotiations with investors and buyers.