Prof. Dr. Goddar to lead discussion at Naples Roundtable on 16 and 17 February 2021
“The Naples Roundtable” initiative of the “Leahy Institute of Advanced Patent Studies” explores ways to improve and strengthen the Patent System by fostering an open dialogue among thought leaders, judges and academics.
As part of the sixth, purely virtual, conference run by “The Naples Roundtable” in 2021, BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT patent attorney Prof. Dr. Heinz Goddar will act as discussion leader on two dates:
Tuesday, February 16, 2021, Phoenix Issue VI.
The future of SEP litigation – Should whichever country decides the rate first be controlling (Unwired v. Huawei (UK Supreme Court sets global FRAND rate))? Are FRAND rates really a global issue? Has Germany Solved the Dilemma of Balancing Interests in Licensing of SEPs?
Wednesday, February 17, 2021, Phoenix Issue VIII.
Cross-border disputes and multinational litigation: Issues pertaining to strategic use of international post-grant proceedings, harmonization, discovery disputes, and global settlement/licensing.
Further information and the exact dates of the event can be found on the website of “The Naples Roundtable”.