“Patents in Engine Development” – Contribution by Dr. Giulio Schober at the 3rd Freiberg Colloquium on “Electric Drive Technology”
What industrial property rights are there? How do you apply for a patent and what protection does it provide? BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT patent engineer Dr. Giulio Schober answers these questions in his contribution “Patents in Engine Development” to the 3rd Freiberg Colloquium “Electric Drive Technology”.
The article begins with a brief overview of the patent as a technical property right and its differentiation from other industrial property rights such as utility models, trademarks and designs. It further outlines some strategies for filing and utilizing patents, especially for start-ups. Finally, the basic structure of a patent application is explained on the basis of the historically important patent “Anker für Wechselstrommotoren” (armature for alternating current motors), which deals with the three-phase asynchronous motor with squirrel-cage rotor.
Dr. Schober’s article was published in the conference proceedings of the 3rd Freiberg Colloquium on “Electric Drive Technology” at the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg and is available online in German here.