Felix Hermann reappointed to the SACEPO Working Party on Guidelines
Personal appointment “ad personam” by the President of the European Patent Office, António Campinos.
For the second time, BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT patent attorney and partner Felix Hermann has been appointed to the Working Party on Guidelines of the Standing Advisory Committee to the European Patent Office (SACEPO). Prior to his first term of office on the Working Party on Guidelines, Felix served a member of the Working Party on Rules, in which proposals for changes to the legal framework of the EPC, including in particular its Implementing Regulations, are discuessed.
The 15 members of the SACEPO Working Party on Guidelines and representatives of the European Patent Office (EPO) discuss the annual revision of the Guidelines for Examination at the EPO and for Search and Examination at the EPO as PCT Authority (“Guidelines for Examination”). The Panel thus acts as a forum for discussion on proposed amendments to the next edition of the Guidelines for Examination and on current legal issues in case law.
SACEPO is the main advisory body of the European Patent Office. It comprises representatives of IP and industry associations from around the world, as well as European and international patent attorney associations. Thanks to the Committee, the European Patent Office is close to its users in order to better respond to their needs and the changing requirements and conditions of a dynamic and global patent system.
For further information on the work of the EPO Standing Advisory Committee and its working groups please visit the website of the EPO.