BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT among the “Best Law Firms – Germany 2025”
Tier 1 at national level for Intellectual Property Law and Media Law. Top rankings for the jurisdictions of Bavaria, Berlin, Bremen and NRW.
The IP law boutique BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT already impressed the jury in the first edition of the “Best Law Firms – Germany 2025” ranking. Due to its outstanding national presence, the firm was awarded Tier 1 in the practice areas of Intellectual Property Law and Media Law.
However, the expertise of the firm’s patent attorneys and attorneys at law was also recognized with top-class ratings for individual jurisdictions. The firm achieved Tier 1 and thus the highest possible rating for IP law for the regions of Bavaria (Munich office), Berlin, Bremen and North Rhine-Westphalia (Düsseldorf & Bielefeld offices). Other excellent practice areas are media and entertainment law, pharmaceutical law as well as biotechnology law and life sciences practice.
Here is an overview of the rankings achieved:
National Tier 1
Intellectual Property Law
Media Law
Metropolitan Tier 1
Intellectual Property Law
Media Law
Entertainment Law
Intellectual Property Law
Intellectual Property Law
North Rhine-Westphalia
Intellectual Property Law
Metropolitan Tier 2
Pharmaceuticals Law
Media Law
Metropolitan Tier 3
Biotechnology Law and Life Sciences Practice
The Best Law Firms – Germany rankings are the result of a multi-layered information gathering process by the British specialist publisher Best Lawyers. The research team gathered the opinions of 3,100 clients and professionals, surveyed 2,700 lawyers and conducted 116 interviews with legal experts. In addition, law firms were asked to provide detailed information by means of a questionnaire.
Further information on the evaluation process and the ranking results can be found at