Dr. M. Schaefer with article in “Manual for the Music Industry”
C.H.Beck Verlag Munich has published the completely new 7th edition of the “Manual for the Music Industry” by Moser/Scheuermann/Drücke (ed.). BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT lawyer Dr. Martin Schaefer has written the article “Collective rights management in an international context” for this work. The manual is regarded as the standard work of the music industry; a total of 80 well-known authors provide an overview of all areas of the German music industry and its market participants as well as industry-specific legal issues and contract types.
The publication can be obtained from Beck Verlag.
Collective Rights Management in an International Context, In: Moser/Scheuermann/Drücke (Ed.), Handbook for the Music Industry, 7th ed. Munich 2018, pp. 228-246. ISBN 978-3-406-72028-4