Fromm/Nordemann: Copyright law. Commentary on Copyright Act in 12th edition and 50th anniverary – with various contributions from BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT
The 12th edition of the renowned commentary has now been published by Prof. Dr. Axel Nordemann, Prof. Dr. Jan Bernd Nordemann and Prof. Dr. Christian Czychowski and (with the exception of the section on copyright crime) has been revised exclusively by BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT lawyers.
This standard commentary for copyright practice includes all statutory innovations – including the Knowledge Society Copyright Act (UrhWissG) enacted on 30 June 2017 – as well as current German and European jurisprudence. The Publishing Act (VerlG) is also commented as is the Portability Ordinance, the first EU regulation in the field of copyright law. New additions include comments on Open Source Software as well as on plagiarism.
Dr. Thomas W. Boddien
Prof. Dr. Christian Czychowski
Dr. Andreas Dustmann, LL.M.
Dr. Sebastian Engels
Prof. Dr. Axel Nordemann
Prof. Dr. Jan Bernd Nordemann, LL.M.
Dr. Anke Nordemann-Schiffel
Dr. Martin Schaefer
Dr. Volker Schmitz-Fohrmann, M. Jur.
Dr. Julian Waiblinger
Dr. Martin Wirtz
You can read an interview about the needs for the revision after just four years on the Beck Verlag website here.