“WTR 1000 – The World`s Leading Trademark Professionals 2015” with five BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT partners.
The new and 5th edition of the “World Trademark Review – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals 2015″ once again put BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT in the “Silver Level” . „One of its chief attractions is its extremely deep bench of leading lawyers.“, the WTR stated. This year, a total of five BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT partners were counted among the most important trademark lawyers. No other German law firm receives so many individual recommendations, editors stress. With regard to Dr. Schmitz-Fohrmann it was stated: “… provides clients with shrewd clearance and portfolio development advice.”; Prof. Dr. Axel Nordemann “takes an incredibly practical approach to the law and business”. Prof. Dr. Jan B. Nordemann “focuses on disputes work, but also advises on non-contentious issues, particularly for technology and media clients“. Dr. Anke Nordemann-Schiffel “wins worldwide accolades for her sophisticated portfolio management expertise.“ And Dr. Florian Schwab is described as a “rising star” in this year’s review which states: “He deserves the recognition – his trademark and unfair competition know-how is astounding.”