Workshop of the Finnish Ministry of Education on Copyright Infrastructure on 28 April 2021 with Dr. Martin Schaefer
As part of its efforts to develop a copyright infrastructure and a human centered thriving European data economy, the Finnish Ministry of Education, in the person of Anna Vuopala, is once again inviting participants to open workshops with online discussion on 21 and 28 April 2021.
While the first event will focus on the topic of “Registration of Copyright”, the second workshop will be about the “State of Play on Copyright Infrastructure”.
In addition to well-known speakers, BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT lawyer Dr. Martin Schaefer has also been invited to participate with the presentation “Conception of a European, Decentralised Platform for Music” on 28 April at 2.40 pm (2.40 PM CET).
Until 27 April 2021, anyone interested is invited to register for the online event in English at