“Unternehmensjuristen Konferenz 2021” with lecture by Dr. Martin Schaefer on January 20, 2021
“Do we really need a license for the digital use of trade literature from our holdings?” is the topic of the lecture by BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT attorney Dr. Martin Schaefer as part of the Unternehmensjuristen Konferenz (Corporate Lawyer Conference 2021) on January 20, 2021 at 2:00 pm.
The annual kick-off event of “Deutsches Instituts für Rechtsabteilungen und Unternehmensjuristen” (German Institute for Legal Departments and Corporate Counsel) will take place online from 18 to 21 January 2021 and will start with a digital opening.
Further details about the conference as well as a link to the registration can be found here.
Please note: The conference will be held in German language!