Trade mark seminar on 8 November 2017 Frankfurt am Main
This year again, the trade mark seminar will look at current issues, such as “copyright protection for brands after the Federal Supreme Court “Birthday Train” decision on European design law. – What companies must pay attention to. Dr. Rudolf Böckenholt, Attorney, Bremen, Dr. Carl-Richard Haarmann, Attorney, Munich and Düsseldorf, Martin Wirtz, Attorney, Düsseldorf and Berlin, and Dr. Anke Nordemann-Schiffel, Attorney, Berlin and Potsdam, will answer questions and are available for discussion.
The Annual trade mark seminar takes place in five locations throughout Germany. The seminar will begin at 2p.m. and end at 5p.m. Participants are subsequently invited to snacks. Participation is free of charge.
Detailed information on individual events, venues and the programme can be found here. Please register interest with Dr Martin Wirtz, either by response card or e-mail.