Dr. Jonas Boschung, Patent Attorney at BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT

Dr.-Ing. Jonas Boschung

German Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
Representative before the UPC


Jägerhofstraße 21
40479 Dusseldorf

T +49 (211) 71 17 00
F +49 (211) 71 17 017

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    Jonas Boschung focuses on drafting patent applications and handling examination and opposition procedures at the German Patent and Trademark Office and the European Patent Office. Furthermore, he is experienced in prior art and FTO searches. His area of expertise includes various fields of physics and engineering, particularly mechanical engineering, such as energy engineering and power plant engineering, high performance computing, fluid mechanics, technical combustion and neural networks.

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    Jonas Boschung studied mechanical engineering (with focus on energy engineering) as well as economics at RWTH Aachen University and visited Johns Hopkins University, Maryland USA as visiting scholar. He was a research associate at the Institute for Combustion Technology, RWTH Aachen University and received his doctorate in the field of fluid mechanics, particularly turbulent flows.

    He authored several peer-reviewed scientific publications and received the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Award donated by the foundation of the same name for outstanding scientific achievements.

    Jonas Boschung joined BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT in March 2018.