Swiss Biotech Day: Dr. Ute Kilger on 3 May 2022 with her own panel on “Waiver for Covid Patents: Bleak future for biopharma industry?”
The European Union has reached an agreement with the USA, India and South Africa on the framework conditions for a patent suspension for Covid19 vaccines. Finalisation and approval by the WHO member states is still pending.
But how will a restriction of intellectual property rights affect the biopharmaceutical industry? What are the consequences for future new medicines that are urgently needed in the global fight against serious diseases? And what measures could prevent the weakening of intellectual property while contributing to the supply of new, highly effective drugs to all people?
BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT patent attorney and partner Dr. Ute Kilger will discuss these questions at the Swiss Biotech Day on 3 May from 12:30 (CEST).
Jürgen M. Schneider, BIO Deutschland e. V., Dr. Rainer Strohmenger, Wellington Partners, as well as Philip Beushausen, dreissig24 GmbH, will complete the top-class panel.
More information on the Swiss Biotech Day 2022, its programme and a registration option can be found here.