BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT Trademark Seminar on 27.10.2021 in Munich
After we had to switch to a purely virtual seminar series last year, we are very pleased to finally be able to welcome you in person again this coming autumn to our trademark seminar on 27.10.2021 from 14.00 to 17.30 in Munich.
Be curious about the following topics and speakers:
- Dr. Rudolf Böckenholt, Dr. Eckhard Ratjen: “The well-known brand – How do I create and maintain it?”
- Dr. Martin Wirtz: “The latest in trademark law”.
- Dr. Björn Bahlmann, Dr. Sebastian Engels: ” IP clauses in (service provider) contracts – pitfalls and stumbling blocks”.
- Silke Freund: “Alles Bingo – First Choice Union Trademark? Differences in the enforcement of German and EU trademarks – a case study”.
The venue will be the location of our office at Pettenkoferstraße 22 in 80336 Munich. Please bring some time with you after the presentations, as we would like to invite you to a lively exchange over a glass of wine and a snack.
All information as well as further event dates are available for download here. The seminar will be held in German.
Please note that written registration is required for your participation. You can find the registration form here.
Note on COVID-19: Please be assured that we will comply with the Corona rules in force at the venue at the time and will inform you accordingly.