Dr. Martin Schaefer will speak on 18.03.2022 at the online conference of the University of Illinois Chicago and the George Washington Law School
“Music Copyright Infringement in Europe” is the title of the session in which BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT partner and attorney at law Dr. Martin Schaefer will participate as a panelist in context of the “Music Copyright Conference” on 18th March.
The subject of the online conference of the George Washington University Law School’s Intellectual Property Program and the University of Illinois Chicago Law School is to spark new insights into adjudicating music infringement disputes, as well as those involving other genres of expression, in various national copyright systems in Asia, Europe and North America.
The panelists will discuss substantial similarities in the systems, but also different national approaches to fair use of musical works of art, performers’ rights, copyright or expert evidence.
With the aim of a qualified exchange on national copyright regulations and musical expertise, the online event is aimed at both academics and practitioners in the field of copyright as well as musicologists and music theorists.
Participation in the conference is free of charge. Interested parties are asked to register here.