Dr. Martin Wirtz with article in the Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte, issue 01/2025 – News from trademark law
For the 34th time in a row, BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT attorney at law and partner Dr. Martin Wirtz has dealt with the latest developments in trademark law in the 116th edition of the Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte and published them in his article entitled “News from Trademark Law”.
In it, he deals with current decisions and new developments in trademark law. It does not claim to be exhaustive and deals primarily with decisions from the year 2024. The article goes into detail on case law decisions in Germany and at EU level on the protectability of trademarks, likelihood of confusion, rights-preserving and infringing use, protection of identity, protection of reputation.
Subscribers can find the article in German language by Dr. Martin Wirtz on pages 1-12 in issue 01/2025 of Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte, published by Carl Heymanns Verlag.