Dr. Dennis Kretschmann and Dr. Michael Rüberg on the European Unitary Patent in legaleraonline.com
After almost 50 years of preparation, the European Unitary Patent could come into force in the close future. Optimistic voices assume an implementation in 2023 or already at the end of 2022.
But what do patent owners and managers of patent portfolios need to consider in advance? Will the future European Unitary Patent System only affect newly granted patents or also existing European (bundle) patents? Can patents invalidated in some European countries be maintained in other European countries? And are opt-out options available?
Patent attorney Dr. Dennis Kretschmann and attorney at law Dr. Michael Rüberg answer these and other questions in their article on the website of the Indian trade magazine Legal Era. In addition, they recommend that all patent owners and managers carefully review the patent portfolios of their companies in Europe and advise prompt strategic consideration of how best to benefit from the new system and which patents should be submitted for registration and which should not.
A short description of the historical development of the European Unitary Patent and the challenges on the way to its realization complete this informative article.
The article “The European Unitary Patent System is finally back on track and is now scheduled to arrive mid/end 2022 already” appeared on https://www.legaleraonline.com on December 20, 2021.