Dr Czychowski to give BASE_camp lecture.
BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT partner Dr Christian Czychowski will give a speech for the Friedrich Naumann Foundation on 24 November 2011 entitled “Nothing New on the Net – or is there?: Are there laws which can’t be implemented? The right to information under § 101 Copyright Act (Urheberrechtsgesetz, UrhG). The speech, followed a discussion, will take place within the BASE-camp lecture series.
BASE_camp is an initiative launched by E-Plus Group and is an “open stage for impulses in the field of digital publishing, start-up culture, Internet policy and mobile living.” It is conceived as an “analogue space for digital networks, a think-tank at the interface between industry, media, research and culture”. The event will begin at 7 p.m., BASE_camp, Unter den Linden 10, 10117 Berlin, www.base.de/basecamp.