Dr. Rudolf Böckenholt comments in GRUR-Prax judgment on the processing of payments in the event of abusive warnings
In issue 3/2023 of “GRUR-Prax – Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht/Praxis im Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht” BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT partner and attorney at law Dr. Rudolf Böckenholt discusses a judgment of the Higher Regional Court of Cologne of December 9, 2022 (6 U 46/22, GRUR-RS 2022, 36629) on the question of the effects of an abusive cease-and-desist warning on payments made in connection with a contractual cease-and-desist declaration. The answer: none, as long as the person issuing the warning notice cannot be proven to have committed fraudulent misrepresentation or intent to cause damage.
The article in German by Dr. Rudolf Böckenholt can be found in the printed edition of GRUR-Prax 03/2023. Subscribers to Beck-Online can view it online.