“Crowdfunding instead of Film Subsidy?” – Producer brunch to mark the 65th Berlinale.
To mark the 65th Berlinale, media.connect brandenburg, BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT and the Permanent Representative of Brandenburg will hold the fourth Producer Brunch on 9 February 2015. This year, the motto will be “Crowdfunding instead of Film Subsidy? A current snapshot”. BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT partner Olaf Wolters will make the keynote speech and will host the panel discussion. Crowdfunding has taken on a new dynamic since 2012. Its significance for film producers as well as its exact means of operation will be discussed at this years Producer Brunch. The event begins at 10 a.m. in the Kurfürstensaal at the Permanent Representative of Brandenburg in Berlin.