“Copyright Contract Law: Remuneration vs. Participation” – Producer brunch to mark the 66th Berlinale.
To mark the 66th Berlinale, media.connect brandenburg, BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT and the Permanent Representative of Brandenburg will hold the fifth Producer Brunch on 15 February 2016. This year, the hot topic will be “Copyright Contract Law: Remuneration vs. Participation” at which BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT Partner Prof Jan B. Nordemann will give the keynote speech. Copyright Contract Law is based on the idea of participation in any possible success. For freelance artists, appropriate and risk-free remuneration after the provision of their services is, however, often more important than a participation claim. Experts on this year’s panel will discuss whether and how the idea of remuneration can be implemented in Germany law without impinging on fundamental principles of existing copyright contract law. The panel will be hosted by BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT partner Dr Martin Schaefer, Appearing on the panel will be:
Sebastian Andrae, gf. Chairman, Verband Deutscher Drehbuchautoren e.V.
Nadja Lichtenhahn, Head of Legal & Business Affairs, Regulatory Affairs, UFA GmbH
Matthias Schmid, Referatsleiter Urheber- und Verlagsrecht, BMJV
Christian Sommer, Country Representative Germany, Motion Picture Association (MPA)
The event begins at 9:15 a.m. in the Kurfürstensaal at the Permanent Representative of Brandenburg in Berlin.