Combination seminar: “Copyright law” – with Prof. Dr. J. B. Nordemann and Dr. Ch. Czychowski
The German Lawyers Academy will be hosting two complementary seminars in Cologne on 11th and 12th November 2011. On 11th November Prof. Dr. Jan Bernd Nordemann will conduct a seminar entitled “Introduction to copyright law”. On 12th November Dr. Christian Czychowski and Prof. Dr. Nordemann will lead a study of “Legislation and jurisprudence” and shed light on current developments in copyright law. The two events will each last a day and will be held in Cologne this year.
Copyright law at German national and international level has undergone reform over recent years (“2nd Basket” and implementation of the EU Enforcement Directive). The “3rd Basket” is being discussed at present. Seminar participants will study individual issues that are of practical relevance and look at how recent cases illuminate principles of current copyright law. Both seminars are aimed at lawyers, publishing staff, music and film production companies, radio and television corporations, internet and software firms, advertising and design companies, associations and collection societies. Further information