Berlinale 2025: Producers’ Brunch on February 18, 2025 with keynote by Dr. Martin Schaefer
Topic “Voice cloning, deepfakes and the deceased brought back to life”
This year, the traditional producers’ brunch will once again take place as part of the 75th Berlin International Film Festival. The media:net berlinbrandenburg as well as the IP law firms BOEHMERT&BOEHMERT and NORDEMANN invite interested parties to the Representation offices of the Federal State of Brandenburg to the Federal Government in Berlin.
After a keynote speech by BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT Partner and attorney at law Dr. Martin Schaefer, a panel of top-class speakers will discuss the tense relationship between artistic freedom, economic freedom and rights in personality (e.g. likeness, voice etc.). The latter have gained new relevance with the advent of voice cloning, deepfakes and actors brought back to life.
The interdisciplinary panel is as follows:
- Sven Bliedung von der Heide, CEO, VOLUCAP
- Kerstin Schmitt, attorney for personality rights, VON HAVE FEY
The event will be moderated by Dr. Julian Waiblinger, partner and attorney at NORDEMANN. Prof. Dr. Jan Bernd Nordemann will provide a short wrap-up afterwards.
Event dates at a glance
Date: February 18, 2025
Admission: from 09.30 a.m. | Program: 10.00 – 11.30 a.m., followed by brunch & networking
Location: Brandenburg State Representation to the Federal Government, In den Ministergärten 3, 10117 Berlin
Event language: German
Registration for the free event is possible via eventbrite.