Berlinale 2024: Producers’ Brunch with keynote speaker Dr. Martin Schaefer a complete success
Overwhelming interest from more than 350 participants on February 21 at the Brandenburg State Representation to the Federal Government.
„Die aktuellen US Guild Agreements und künstliche Intelligenz – Blue Print für die Filmproduktionslandschaft in Deutschland und Europa?“ (The current US Guild Agreements and artificial intelligence – blue print for the film production landscape in Germany and Europe?) was the topic of this year’s Producers’ Brunch as part of the 74th Berlin International Film Festival.
The topic met with such great interest that the large venue was completely over-booked.
BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT partner and lawyer Dr. Martin Schaefer introduced the morning with a detailed keynote speech. Prof. Dr. Jan Bernd Nordemann (NORDEMANN) as a moderator then guided a discussion between Sven Gronemeyer (UFA SERIAL DRAMA GmbH), screenwriter Oliver Schütte and Dr. Julia Schafdecker (SKW Schwarz).
All participants used the subsequent brunch for a lively exchange about the current challenges facing the film industry.
The producers’ brunch is organized annually by medianet berlinbrandenburg e. V. as part of the Berlinale – in cooperation with the Brandenburg State Representation to the Federal Government and the IP law firms BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT and NORDEMANN.