B&B Bulletin September 2017 published
The current September 2017 edition of the newsletter provides information on new developments in the field of Patent Law, Brand Law, Competition Law and Copyright. The subjects covered in this edition are:
- BGH specifies its jurisprudence on foreign liability in patent infringement cases (judgement “sealing system”).
- New developments in Chinese Patent Law – amended assessment guidelines
- US Supreme Court restricts free choice of jurisdiction in the US
- Update UPC: Further delays and obstacles
- Draft for reform of Brand Act
- Decision from Federal Fiscal Court – Warning costs subject to VAT
- Implementation of EU Trade Secret Directive – what corporates need to do to implement the directive
- The Federal Supreme Court and computer games: The decision on World of Warcraft I
- Amendment of the Telemedia Act: Liability of WLAN operators limited
The B&B Bulletin” can be downloaded and subscribed to here.