Positive review of the “Vertragshandbuch Pharma und Life Sciences” including article by Dr. Rüberg.
The “Vertragshandbuch Pharma und Life Sciences – Mit bewährten Gestaltungsvorschlägen aus der Praxis” [“Contract Manual for Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences – With proven design proposals from practice”] was published by C.H. Beck Verlag in autumn 2015. BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT partner Dr. Michael Rüberg co-wrote the “General Section with Basic Contract Models” with editor Marco Stief. A review by Dr. Wolfgang A. Rehmann who praised the work has now been published in the specialist journal “Arzneimittel und Recht” [“Pharmaceuticals and Law”] (01/2016, p. 31 et seq.). Rehmann commented on the “General Section with Basic Contract Models”: “The authors responsible for this chapter, Stief and Rüberg, have made every effort and taken particular care to illustrate design alternatives which occur in practice and, at the same time, make the background of individual provisions clearer to the user through a detailed commentary.” His conclusion on the entire contract manual is: “All in all, the editors and their authors should be shown respect. They have created a valuable aid for precisely the target group the work has in its sights, namely lawyers, pharmacists, traders and engineers operating in the pharmaceuticals and life sciences industry or working for them.” The manual can be obtained directly from Beck Verlag, priced approx.: €198.00. Stief/Bromm (editor), C.H. Beck, 2015. ISBN 978-3-406-65042-0.