New edition: “Manual Commercial Criminal Law” (HWSt) with contributions from BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT partners.
The respected Handbuch Wirtschaftsstrafrecht (HWSt) (Manual of Commercial Criminal Law) published by Prof Hans Achenbach, Prof Andreas Ransiek and Prof Thomas Rönnau has now been released in a new 4th edition (2015) by C. F. Müller Verlag, Heidelberg. Three BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT partners have authored contributions for the chapters on copyright and industrial property rights. Dr Florian Schwab is responsible for the subject of “Product Piracy”. Further contributions are made by Prof Axel Nordemann (Copyright Criminal Law) and Malte Nentwig (Patent and Utility Patent Criminal Law). The respected manual offers a compact summary of key fields of commercial criminal law including administrative offences and has its focus in the representation of relative practical aspects. Manual of Commercial Criminal Law. Series: Recht in der Praxis. C. F. Müller Verlag, Heidelberg. 2015 978-3-8114-6019-5. The manual can be obtained as hardcover or as e-book from the publisher.