“Title over title” – Fabio Adinolfi in GRUR-Prax 22/2023 on dealing with the variety of titles
In the last decades titles were mostly reserved for books, movies or plays, but nowadays there is a flood of titles for works and products. After all, every podcast, every playlist or even just a piece of furniture with a great inventive spirit has to be named.
In view of the sheer inexhaustible mass of titles in a wide variety of forms and designs, BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT attorney at law Fabio Adinolfi gives an insight into title categories in his article in GRUR-Prax, issue 22/2023, and clarifies the question of how these should be classified and evaluated.
Read the full article „Titel über Titel – wie umgehen mit mehreren Titeln?“ (Title over title – how to deal with multiple titles?) by Fabio Adinolfi in GRUR-Prax 22/2023! Registered users of Beck-Online can download it here in German.