Czychowski/ Engelhard/ Nordemann explain MTA agreements in Mitteilungen der Deutschen Patentanwälte.
In an article published in the 3/2013 edition of Mitteilungen der Deutschen Patentanwälte (page 108 et seq.), BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT partners Dr Christian Czychowski, Prof Jan B. Nordemann and patent lawyer Dr Markus Engelhard explain “MTA agreements and their legal limits in German law”. Material Transfer Agreements (MTA agreements) have for some years already been applied for research in the field of biotechnology. These are contracts on the basis of which one institution transfers certain materials to another, e.g. DNA sections, cell lines, proteins or micro-organisms for research purposes or commercial use. The contents and legal requirements contained in such MTA agreements are discussed by the authors in the article. Subscribers can access the article here online.