“Copyright for Digital Culture Offers” – Speech at the Cultural Circle of German Business and Industry within the FGI
“Supporting Culture in a Digital Age” – was the heading of this year’s plenary assembly of the Cultural Circle of German Business and Industry within the Federation of German Industry, here: the Working Group Culture Sponsorship. The assembly will be held in Essen on 3 and 4 May 2010 and will focus on culture on the web and the online marketing of cultural engagements. Speaking at the assembly on 3 May will be BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT partner Dr Martin Schaefer. He will look at “Copyright for Digital Culture Offers”. The Cultural Circle of German Business and Industry within the FGI is an institution which looks back on a long tradition of entrepreneurial culture support in Germany. With membership fees and donations from its 400 members – including Germany’s leading companies, the Cultural Circle has supported artists in the fields of architecture, visual arts, literature and music since 1951. It lobbies for a society in which culture is understood as an essential resource. Further information