Kanzleimonitor 2017/2018: Excellent reviews for BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT in intellectual property and patent law
A study in the Kanzleimonitor 2017/2018 has given BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT first-rate reviews in both intellectual property and patent law.
Within intellectual property law, BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT received 20 recommendations and thus achieved second place, the same as Hogan Lovells, and directly after CMS Hasche Sigle. No other “boutique” law firms made it to the top five spots; only large business advisory offices.
Lawyer Dr. Rudolf Böckenholt is one of the most mentioned lawyers in the field of intellectual property law.
Within patent law, BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT once again made it to first place, which it shared with Taylor Wessing on the basis of recommendations received.
The empirical study “kanzleimonitor.de – recommendation is the best reference”, from the Federal Association of In-house Lawyers (BUJ), based on recommendations from in-house counsels, is now in its fifth consecutive year. In its first year, 390 companies were surveyed, but by 2017, 930 companies had taken part in the study. 9,820 recommendations for legal offices were given, 7,700 of which within Germany, and 2,106 in 79 different countries.
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