Dr Florian Schwab in WTR Daily on the decision in the “ZEBEXIR” case
In the online magazine World Trademark Review Daily from 18/03/2015, BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT partner and trademark law expert Dr Florian Schwab reports on the recent decision of the European Court of Justice (T-366/11 RENV Bial Portela ./. OHIM) from 03 March 2015. In contrast to the decision at lower instances, the Court considered the brands ZEBEXIR and ZEBINIX for identical goods in classes 3 and 5 as capable of being confused, in particular in view of the sufficient visual and phonetic similarity. An initial judgement with similar result was repealed by the European Court of Justice due to the lack of reasoning. Those subscribing to WTR Daily can see the entire article here.