On 18 July 2014, the 11th edition of the Copyright Commentary Fromm/Nordemann appeared, published by Prof. Axel Nordemann and Prof. Jan Bernd Nordemann. Both are partners at BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT. The authors contributing to the works are – with the exception of Copyright Crime – all from BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT: Dr. Thomas W. Boddien, Prof. Dr. Christian Czychowski, Dr. Andreas Dustmann, Dr. Anke Nordemann-Schiffel, Prof. Dr. Axel Nordemann, Prof. Dr. Jan Bernd Nordemann, Dr. Martin Schaefer, Dr. Volker Schmitz-Fohrmann, Dr. Martin Wirtz. Fromm/Nordemann is the oldest commentary on the Copyright Act from 1965. Since its first edition in 1966, it has become the standard reference work on copyright practice. The 11th edition follows in this tradition. It too is a reference work by practitioners for practitioners. Thanks to its clear and unambiguous language, Fromm/Nordemann is also suitable for non-lawyers.
Since its last edition, copyright law has experienced various changes. In particular, the Term of Protection Act, the Ancillary Copyright Act for Press Publishers, the rules on orphaned and out-of-print works as well as the Act Against Dubious Business Practices and new rules for warnings. All statutory amendments as well as current case law at both European and national level is taken into account by authors and included in the commentary.
Comprehensive commentary is also provided on the Publishing Act in the 11th edition. The Copyright Administration Act and copyright aspects of settlement agreements are also explained. The contents of the website Fromm/Nordemann are now also available as an app for Apple iOS and Android smartphones. Electronic editions of Fromm/Nordemann can also be obtained as eBook from the Kohlhammer-Shop and from juris. (ISBN 978-3-17-023028-6)